Truck Wrecks

It’s no surprise that motor vehicle accidents involving semi-trucks (18-wheelers) rank among the most severe and deadly types of crashes on Texas highways. Also, Houston roads have more truck wrecks involving commercial 18-wheelers than any other city in the state of Texas. In 2020 alone, Harris County reported 4,915 commercial vehicle accidents. According to this Texas Department of Transportation study, 513 fatal commercial vehicle crashes in Harris County killed 581 people in 2020.

Commercial Truck Basics

Tractor-trailers, also referred to as “semi-trucks,” or “18-wheelers,” or “big rigs,” are an important part of the transportation system. You can find these vehicles on nearly every highway and road in the country, delivering the goods people need to their local stores. These large vehicles can pull up to 80,000 pounds of cargo, or about 40 tons. Since the average passenger car weighs 2,000 to 4,000 pounds, it makes sense that a collision with a semi-truck can quickly become a catastrophic injury event or worse.

Common Causes of Truck Accidents

The truck wreck lawyers at Gustin Law Firm PLLC in Houston, TX, have seen semi-accidents caused for a variety of reasons. There are certain causes that seem to be more common than others:

Overall, speeding accounts for the greatest number of crashes regardless of vehicle type. When drivers speed, there is a greater chance of losing control of their vehicle. 

Speeding also increases the degree of crash severity and the seriousness of any injuries. Whether a car driver or a truck driver is speeding, or both, if they collide, the results can be devastating.

Tractor-trailers have blind spots on both sides of their trucks and in the front and back. Sometimes these blind spots can encompass entire lanes. If a car happens to be driving in a blind spot when a truck makes a lane change or some other maneuver, there could be a dangerous collision.

Loading a truck trailer is an important and sometimes difficult job. It can be like putting together a puzzle. If the cargo is not loaded and secured properly, the load can shift. 

The weight of the cargo shifting can cause the truck and trailer to tip over. This imbalance can create significant danger for unsuspecting motorists who might be driving near the truck.

Distracted or impaired driving can affect every driver on the road, and truck drivers are no exception. Driver fatigue is a real problem in the trucking industry as drivers can be tempted to drive too many hours to make a delivery deadline.

A driver who is tired or otherwise impaired may have slower-than-normal reaction times. They may also make unwise decisions because they are not thinking clearly. In doing so, they place themselves and other drivers around them in serious danger.

Making sure their trucks are safe and well maintained is a responsibility that falls both to truck drivers and trucking companies. All safety and maintenance checks should be properly documented each time they are performed. 

If these procedures are not diligently carried out, the driver or the company can be at fault for accidents that happen as a result of the faulty equipment.

Every truck wreck attorney is well aware of the dangers of distracted driving. Driver distractions can take many forms. Common driver distractions include:

  • Cell phones
  • GPS navigation systems
  • CB radios
  • Eating or drinking
  • Talking to other passengers in the vehicle

When a commercial truck driver is distracted, they put everyone around them in danger’s path. If you have been involved in an accident that involved a big rig, contact the big truck wreck lawyers at Gustin Law Firm PLLC in Houston, TX. We can help you obtain the compensation that you will need to move forward with your life.

Who Is Liable for a Truck Accident?

Lawyers who sue trucking companies know that tractor-trailer accident lawsuits can be complicated. This complication exists because there is often more than one responsible party. It takes many people working together to put a truck on the road, and any or all of them can be liable when there is an accident. Potentially responsible parties for a truck accident can include:

  • The truck driver
  • The trucking company
  • The truck manufacturer
  • A truck parts manufacturer
  • The cargo company responsible for loading the truck

When a commercial truck is involved in a crash with another vehicle, it takes patience and skill to thoroughly investigate the accident and determine liability. This work is an important step because it can greatly affect the amount of compensation that may be available to those who are injured in the accident.

Common Injuries Associated with Truck Accidents

Truck accident injuries vary depending on the severity of the crash. More common injuries that are associated with semi-truck crashes include:

Back and neck (spine) injuries
Head and brain injuries
Dislocated, fractured, or broken bones
Internal injuries
Cuts from broken glass

If you’ve been involved in a truck wreck, you should have a complete medical exam as soon as possible. Some injuries don’t make themselves known immediately after an accident, but a doctor will recognize the signs. The doctor can also help you know what to look for in the days and weeks following a truck accident.

Benefits of Filing a Truck Accident Lawsuit

If you’ve been injured in a truck accident, you are probably dealing with mounting medical bills and the difficulty of taking time off from work. The 18-wheeler accident attorneys at the Gustin Law Firm PLLC know that you should not have to pay for expenses you are not responsible for.

By filing a suit against the at-fault parties, you could collect compensation for:

  • Lost wages from being unable to work
  • Accident-related medical expenses
  • Pain and suffering associated with your injuries
  • Mental anguish
  • Property damage
  • Lost income-earning potential
  • Scarring and disfigurement

By hiring a Houston trucking accident attorney from the Gustin Law Firm, you are taking a first step toward obtaining financial compensation to help ease the burdens you’re facing as a result of your accident.

Texas Legal Considerations

Certain laws have an impact on the filing of your truck injury accident claim and how it might resolve.

A driver who is partially responsible for their accident can still collect compensation in Texas. This ability exists because Texas uses a form of “modified” comparative negligence, or “proportionate responsibility.” If you are found to be 10% responsible for your truck accident, you can still collect damages, but they will be reduced by the percentage of your responsibility. Thus, you would collect 90% of the compensation awarded to you. However, if the injured driver is found to be 51% or more at fault for the crash, they will recovery nothing under Texas law!

The state of Texas gives an injured person two years in which to initiate their lawsuit against any at-fault parties who bear responsibility for their injuries. If you miss the deadline for filing your lawsuit, you will lose your right to seek compensation for your injuries forever. When you’ve been hurt, taking swift action is critical.

Benefits of Hiring a Lawyer for Truck Accidents

If you’ve been injured, hiring a lawyer can be helpful in many ways. The truck wreck lawyers at Gustin Law Firm recognize the complexities inherent in a trucking accident case and are prepared to handle them. 18-wheeler accident lawsuit outcomes are more successful when an experienced attorney:

  • Investigates your accident to determine all of the responsible parties
  • Uses their access to medical professionals to strengthen your case
  • Protects your case when the defendants try to blame you for the accident
  • Negotiates with powerful insurance companies for you
  • Represents you in court if a settlement can’t be reached in negotiations

When you look for a truck accident lawyer, you want someone who will treat you with kindness and compassion. You’ll also want an attorney who is a fierce advocate for you. The truck accident law firm you choose is a critical to the success of your personal injury claim.

Why Hire the Gustin Law Firm for Your Truck Accident Injury Claim?

At the Gustin Law Firm, we take your injuries personally. It’s our goal to be the strong voice for our clients at every stage of the Texas legal system. Although most personal injury cases settle through the negotiation process, we are not afraid to litigate if that is what will achieve the best results for you.

We work on a contingency fee basis. This means that you won’t pay anything unless you make a financial recovery from your case. Contingency fee agreements can give you the peace of mind that comes with knowing your truck wreck lawyer is highly motivated to maximize the value of your case.

Call Our Houston Truck Accident Attorneys Today

If you have been injured because of an accident involving a commercial truck, you may be entitled to significant compensation. This information could be welcome news if you are watching your medical bills grow while your bank accounts are dwindling.

If you have been injured in a Houston area car crash, call Gustin Law Firm today for a free consultant about your case!

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